Closes September 15, 2020
La Leche League of Texas offers an educational conference every two years and invites medical professionals, La Leche League leaders and members, and all breastfeeding supporters to attend. Join us for this year’s conference and help us Grow Our Community!
Please use our drop down menu to navigate the entire conference site. You will find our conference session details, information about our speakers, our event sponsors and much more.
Visit Our Bookstore
Within our conference shop, you will find books for professionals and families. You can also purchase your conference swag!
Visit the Exhibitor Hall
Check out our VIRTUAL exhibitor hall by clicking the button below. You will find exhibitors with a variety of products and services for everyone!
Registration Continues!!!
You will be granted access to the conference August 1st if you register prior to July 27th. If you register any time after August 1st, your access will be granted within a 3-4 days of registering. Register early to get the most time to view these wonderful sessions!
Due to the COVID-19 virus, we will not be able to host our conference in person. Instead, we have partnered with iLactation and will present all continuing education sessions online. Certificates of completion will be awarded through iLactation and sent directly to participants. Given the nature of an online conference, you will be able to access presentations at your own convenience until Sept 15. 2020. Each registrant will receive continuing education credit upon completion of the course.
If you had previously registered for our in person conference in Houston (March 27-29, 2020), your registration has been transferred automatically and you will be granted access to the iLactation platform August 1, 2020 through September 15, 2020. Unfortunately, full refunds can no longer be given, but you may transfer your registration to another individual. Please email with any questions.