La Leche League of Temple/Belton, Texas 

is a non-profit organization that provides free information and support to everyone interested in feeding their children human milk. La Leche League Leaders have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International. Each Leader has unique and personal nursing experiences learned from nurturing their babies.

Our goal is to offer the information and support you need to meet your individual nursing goals: regardless of your choice, we will do our best to be there to support you on your journey. There is not one “LLL way”, we encourage you to take what works for you and leave the rest behind.

La Leche League meetings and support are always free. Donations are welcome, but not required. All families are welcome: breastfeeding, expressing, chestfeeding, supplementing with donor milk or formula, formula feeding, and more. Expectant, new, experienced, seasoned, parents or grandparents whose babies have weaned – all are welcome! 

Leader Information: 
Stephanie 254-913-6939

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La Leche League of Temple-Belton
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La Leche League of Temple/Belton

Meeting Location: 

The Starting Place Birth and Wellness Center

720 N. 3rd Street

Temple, TX 76501

When We Meet:
3rd Friday of the month @10:30am

Meeting Information:
Contact Stephanie for more information.