Improving the health of Texans by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.
We are an active coalition, affiliated with the United Sates Breastfeeding Committee, whose members work all over our state in their communities to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. We conduct twice yearly educational meetings through out the state. Our advisory council represents every geographic region in Texas. We are organized for advocacy and supporting legislation that promotes and protects breastfeeding.
We represent more than fifteen coalitions across Texas, with over 120 individual members, and many corporate and governmental agency sponsors. Our strategic goals include improving hospital maternity care practices, increasing the number of Texas Ten Step Hospitals (and helping to develop more Baby-Friendly Hospitals), increasing the number of Mother Friendly Worksites, disseminating information about the Business Case for Breastfeeding, and increasing public awareness and acceptance of breastfeeding by maintaining a legislative presence to promote breastfeeding as a critical health policy issue.